Mohler claims that Buddhism is "satanic"
Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary:
"Well, I would have to say as a Christian that I believe any belief system, any world view, whether it's Zen Buddhism or Hinduism or dialectical materialism for that matter, Marxism, that keeps persons captive and keeps them from coming to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, yes, is a demonstration of satanic power."
Link here.
I feel Jesus would agree. The Old Testament Jesus, that is.
Oh, wait a second, did you say that Jesus isn't in the Old Testament? Why not? Isn't that where all the fun stuff really is? I mean, really, if He thought everything in the Old Testament was sufficient unto itself, and literally true, then why did He bother teaching that New Testament stuff?
Short-term memory loss? Ya think?
Golden rule, anyone?
Or is that just too Buddhist?
He most likely meant "satanic" as inspired by the Devil, insofar as it kept people away from Christianity. In fact, that's exactly what his quote says. It's a theological point, not a point about one's morality. "satanic" does not necessarily mean the hedonistic, scary, black metal T-Shirt wearing, Marilyn Manson shock-schlock satanic concept.
Posted by: HonestObserver | December 02, 2006 at 03:31 PM
Then he should seek out less inflammatory language to make his point. As it is, it's very offensive.
Posted by: Buddhist Jihad | December 02, 2006 at 10:48 PM
Oh, and I'm not taking offense at the "Marilyn Manson" concept, I'm taking offense at the "inspired by the Devil" concept. Which is very offensive.
Posted by: Buddhist Jihad | December 02, 2006 at 10:50 PM
But it's a theological statement. You can take offense at the word "satanic" (though by definition it fits here). His random insertion of Marxism was also a poor reference, in my estimation, but that's neither here nor there.
You can take offense at the statement, but it's akin to the offense a Christian takes offense when a Buddhist tells him/her that he/she's going to be reincarnated to a worse form for ignoring works and accumulating bad karma. When the Neo-Confucians accused Buddhism for being amoral (a false claim), was the offense committed there equal to the offense done when they criticized Buddhism for promoting the abandonment of traditional cultural norms and advocating a withdrawal from society(a true claim)?
People are unhappy when someone with a different worldview says their worldviews are invalid. But I don't really see how that makes them "crappy." Certain comments may be tactless and wrongly phrased, but that does not seem to make anyone "crappy."
Posted by: HonestObserver | December 02, 2006 at 11:28 PM
So, if I understand you correctly, it's ok for you to call my religion "Satanic," but it's not OK for me to refer to some Christians as being "Crappy-Christians"?
Posted by: Buddhist Jihad | December 04, 2006 at 10:14 PM
Calling Buddhism "Satanic" and thinking it's ok because it's a "theological statement" is like calling someone a nigger and thinking it's ok because it's a "chromatic statement".
Posted by: Buddhist Jihad | December 13, 2006 at 09:35 AM
Sometimes I can't believe how Christianity teaches people to become discriminator against other groups of religions. Sadly, people believe things in Bible are absolute when in fact there is no "universal truth". Have you ever realized that religions are all the works of human???
Posted by: Someone | December 14, 2006 at 11:31 PM
Well, I have.
I don't know about anyone else.
Posted by: Buddhist Jihad | December 15, 2006 at 01:09 AM
um, yes, ywo points
1- i think that the term satanic is incorrect for buddhism or any religion. this man is just some christian nut who wants to demonise other religions so he can get people back on the 'true path
2- i think the term buddhist jihad is wrong. buddhism is peaceful but jihad is a muslim holy war and i think that will give this blog and this religion a bad impression
Posted by: dave | April 28, 2007 at 04:56 PM
Thanks, Dave. You're absolutely right. Buddhist/jihad -- juxtaposition of opposites. Intentional, not accidental.
Oxymorononic -- "an oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two normally contradictory terms. Oxymoron is a Greek term derived from oxy ("sharp") and moros ("dull"). Thus the word oxymoron is itself an oxymoron.
Oxymorons are a proper subset of the expressions called contradictions in terms. What distinguishes oxymora from other paradoxes and contradictions is that they are used intentionally, for rhetorical effect . . ."
This is just a blog, Dave, I'm not an official speaker for anything.
Posted by: Buddhist Jihad | April 28, 2007 at 09:10 PM
In some ways its a good thing to be "Satanic". The Judaeo/Islamic Christian claim of being in touch with the one and only Omnipotent Authority and World Creator ...or God deserves critical evaluation at the very least. Anyone who is sceptical of such a claim deserves our respect and support especially when we see what these believers sometimes feel moved to do in God's Name.
If you look at some of those Tibetan Bodhisattvas - Padmasambhava for instance - there's the original form for the "Satanic Majesty" himself! He sits in meditation, he holds a trident, he drinks from a skull-cup of impermanence and sunyata - how divinely Unchristian! He got Buddhism established in Tibet through magic and pure strength of character - it was the only way they'd listen.
Don't forget Satan has all the best pop music though Islamic trance music is pretty hot stuff..."Gwallias" I believe they call it - ecstasy - but I'm getting distracted. The point is - don't take offence its really not worth it. These people are sad, they know nothing, to be criticised by them is an honour.
Posted by: Dave | May 12, 2007 at 11:56 AM
I don't take offense, at all; I merely think it's compassionate to correct their erroneous notions.
To the wrathful dakinis who with the sharp knife of discriminating-awareness wisdom ruthlessly sever ignorance at its very root, I bow down. To the wisdom-deities who enjoy drinking the hot blood of ego, I bow down.
Posted by: Buddhist Jihad | May 12, 2007 at 04:11 PM
Hi buddhist Jihad Im ur friendly neighborhood christian and I just wanted to say "Fuck u" :D
Buddism is satanic and openly contradicts the bible's teachings. Another thing yes the bible contradicts itself cuz of the contradictory situations that present themselves which void something being moral in a imoral situation. So have a nice fucking day u fucking hipocritical slang mouthed slurred morally up the ass acting to be self rightious incorrect son of Buddhist bitch who has yet to reveal any light on the subject....
and fuck all 2 faced christians!! Go rape a farm animal pieces of shit and get off our duaghters preteen pussy i belive in God's rage of the old testament so im guna shoot ur ass if u finger my duaghter faggots!
To all those who love God and rebuke Satan
Don't worry im not normally a Christian DICK...but sometimes in life u have to get on an ASSHOLES LEVEL to be understood by an ASSHOLE
and to the realists
Jesus loves u so Keep The Faith
Posted by: Buddhist Ji-wad | December 09, 2008 at 01:33 PM
i am a christian, american, and pretty spiritual. i can quote some of the bible, and i have a moderately open dialog with God. and let me say that the perceived mainstream christian, makes me sick. raise your right hand and repeat after me: i believe that Jesus Christ died on a cross and saved me of my sins. now who's up for a little sin?
1. the greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. that includes enemies, muslims, republicans and even that guy that created barney.
2. do not pass judgment, telling someone that they're going to hell is just that. you can quote, but to say "hey, accept or see you later." that's God's deal. God said if they didn't want to hear it, shake the dust from your shoes, and move on. not swear (it's what comes out of a man's mouth that makes him unclean), and stick your righteous finger in there eye.
3. there will be those that come before Me and say "did i not cast out demons in your name?" God: be gone from me, i knew you not. so even some that profess a burning faith, may experience eternal damnation.
so, claim your faith..but know, if it is not in your will do no good.
Posted by: bwapo | December 29, 2008 at 05:38 PM
Hear, hear.
What a refreshing point of view.
Posted by: Buddhist Jihad | December 29, 2008 at 06:01 PM
Somehow I missed this charmer:
"Hi buddhist Jihad Im ur friendly neighborhood christian and I just wanted to say "Fuck u" :D
Buddism is satanic and openly contradicts the bible's teachings. Another thing yes the bible contradicts itself cuz of the contradictory situations that present themselves which void something being moral in a imoral situation. So have a nice fucking day u fucking hipocritical slang mouthed slurred morally up the ass acting to be self rightious incorrect son of Buddhist bitch who has yet to reveal any light on the subject....
and fuck all 2 faced christians!! Go rape a farm animal pieces of shit and get off our duaghters preteen pussy i belive in God's rage of the old testament so im guna shoot ur ass if u finger my duaghter faggots!
To all those who love God and rebuke Satan
Don't worry im not normally a Christian DICK...but sometimes in life u have to get on an ASSHOLES LEVEL to be understood by an ASSHOLE"
Well well.
Somebody's got some issues, eh?
Posted by: Buddhist Jihad | December 29, 2008 at 06:05 PM
Allow me to establish my position, I am not a Buddhist nor do I claim to be an authority on anything accept my personal experiences. And the worst thing I could have done for my Christian path was to read the Bible with an open mind. Not just the same old scriptures they pound in your psyche, but the whole Bible.
One problem with Bible is that it has been paraphrased so much; no one really knows what it originally meant.
Lets take the most obvious, and the most important. The name Jesus. Where does it come from? When the Angel of the Lord appeared to Mary (Actually Marion) and told her she should name him Immanuel (God is with us), right? Where did Jesus come from, is it his nickname? Did Marion say "Well... Immanuel is okay, but I'm going to call him Jesus, after that Greek God Zeus". A lot of people think you have to study Greek and Hebrew just to understand what is right in your face... Modern Christianity is a fraud. How many Evangelist tell you that it is the infallible word of God? Well there it is, a flaw. By the power and glory of Immanuel’s nickname! More then likely the name was changed by Paul in Greece. so, the Greeks would accept it more easily...Christian Marketing at it's best. (One theory anyway)
But doesn't it say that you should not go chasing after the Messiah, if some one tells you that the Messiah is here or there don't go? Doesn’t it also tell you that the Kingdom is within? That sounds a lot like Buddhism to me. Instead of chasing after others who say they have the answers (including in books)) find it within your self. Actually when you read the Bible in the Buddhist light it makes a lot more sense, you might even feel a clicking sensation.
Another problem with modern Christianity, or Paulinism. Is that the Preachers are preaching conservatism and humility, while they live the satanic live style of indulgence and material satisfaction. Look how they live tax free, while the rest of sweat from paycheck to pay check to support them, and then some of you actually pay them on top of it, as if tax exemption isn’t enough. They should get real jobs and stop sponging off of society and their congregation.
I am using satanic as in the actually philosophy of Satanism (at least the most popular). It is not meant as an insult, but a fact. Satanism, as in the religion that teaches everyone should be responsible for his or her actions and enjoy life to the fullest. Not the one portrayed by the media or the confused teenagers. Again still not an expert, but here is a prayer that might help…
Oooh great Buddha, teach me the serenity to accept the things that I can’t change.
Kind Satan, inspire within me the courage to change the things and I can.
And Mr. Confucius, show me the wisdom to know the difference.
If you ever get lost in the Astral Plane, don’t ask Moses for directions.
Posted by: Eddie | January 02, 2009 at 04:29 PM
hi im omari 16 london ive been studying a diverce range of religions including buddhisum and satanisum i have discoverd some similaritys sutch as the "devil horns" hand gesture or as the buddists call it Karana Mudra but buddists use it it expell evil,but to a more relivent point buddhisum is a peacefull religion like and like all other good religions it teaches abstenence unlike satanisum witch teaches indulgents fefurther more you are a christian correct? yet you refer to your "lord jesus", dident jesus say he wasent the one you should worship and dosent the bibal say you cant worship falce idels and you also called buddhisum satanic but dosent your bibal also tell you not to judg seeing as youve gone against christianitys teachings dose that mean your satanic? to conclude you cant judg a man on his beleafs or creed just keep a open mind because the divishions you see before you between religions are allot less bold as you think, ever want a good old religious debate lol add me [email protected]
Posted by: omari | October 02, 2009 at 06:55 PM
What? I can't believe it. How can anyone say Buddhism is satanic when buddhist don't even believe in the so called "satan"!!!! Come on! fundamentalist, that's what that guys is! And what about
Posted by: Mark Marcus | October 01, 2010 at 11:24 AM
Hahahahaha! What a hoopla of ignorance, I feel such compassion for this poor sentient being, but I can't help but laugh at the folly of his speech!
Posted by: Karma Lhamo | April 12, 2011 at 05:45 PM
Ignorance in all its glory born again very sad this man and all those who live in this kind of ignorance are...hateful, filled with ego centered righteousness...very sad.
Posted by: Karma Lhamo | April 12, 2011 at 05:49 PM