OK, so it was a close race.
There was Al "Buddhists Are Satanic" Mohler weighing in with a plea to hunt down homosexual embryos in the womb, and forcibly convert them -- not with the sword, but with the patch!
But Bad Boy Billy Donohue and his enormous, very big, crazy, very bad, very odd diatribe against the anatomically-correct all-Chocolate Jesus won hands down.
Here's what he said:
“I am contacting hundreds of organizations about this
assault. Our allied list contains scores of Catholic, Protestant,
Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu organizations, as well as secular groups, that share our concerns about religious hate speech and the degradation of our culture.
Anyhow, it's lucky he didn't contact me, because I for one DON'T share his concerns about, well, pretty much anything. He seems an angry, hateful, spiteful bigot, and a damn poor Christian at that. Which contributes, in my opinion, to the degradation of our culture. You know, so there.
(He also said, interestingly, that "Lent is the season for non-believers
to sow seeds of doubt about Jesus." I had had no clue that I was up to
this! Wow!)
It's peculiar to this Buddhist that Bad Boy Billy is outraged that the chocolate Jesus may be, ultimately, eaten.
Is he completely unaware of what the Mass may look like to outsiders? "Take, eat, this is my Body?" Most people (well, some) get that the Eucharist isn't about cannibalism, but, you know, most likely they're being diplomatic and PC. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
But the topper was this: "This is one of the worst assaults on Christian sensibilities ever."
No, Billy.
Think Holocaust. Think Pol Pot. Think mass murder, genocide, torture. Not milk chocolate, dude. What's wrong with you?
Billy needs to repeat Sunday School. Bad.
Even if someone insults you in the middle of a gathering,
Pointing out your hidden faults --
Bowing down respectfully, seeing that person
As a spiritual friend,
Is the practice of a bodhisattva.
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